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Edson Hill

Photography +

Videography Policies

Edson Hill

Edson Hill is a privately owned estate and does not allow access to the grounds for professional photography. The Inn maintains a strict policy against the use of its estate grounds (all interior spaces, exterior grounds, etc.) for unauthorized professional or commercial photography/videography purposes.  Please find additional information regarding photography and filming at Edson Hill.

  • Due to the intimate nature our guests have come to expect of our Inn, and in support of our goal to provide a quality experience and privacy for all of our guests, professional photography is strictly prohibited, unless in conjunction with a contracted catered event (ie. a wedding or conference). Full photography sessions outside of these parameters are not allowed, including for registered guests on-property. This includes, but is not limited to, professional photography for the following: graduation, family portraits, prom, pregnancy portraits, anniversary, birthday, holiday, elopements, and wedding photos where the wedding is held at another venue, and all other non-resort related events or other situations that may or may not include hiring a third-party photographer. If a third-party photographer indicates they have permission to access the resort “at any time” or similar, this information is incorrect and this individual may be subject to removal or revocation. Express written permission from Edson Hill’s General Manager or Event Sales & Marketing Manager is required.
  • Engagement photo sessions may take place only if in conjunction with a contracted wedding event on property. Advance notice is required and permission must be granted prior to shooting. Approved photographer/videographer will be required to provide a certificate of insurance prior to any work, and it is at the Inn’s sole discretion to request such certificate.
  • Disruptive photography or filming is not allowed. Edson Hill management reserves the right to ask any photographers to cease their session for any reason.
  • Unauthorized use of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), including but not limited to drones and radio-controlled aircraft and devices by the public or guests is strictly prohibited without prior approval.
  • Contracted Weddings taking place onsite at Edson Hill will work with the Event Sales office and their Event Coordinator regarding the details of their planned photography/videographer session, including pre-arranging a specific date and time, so it can be authorized in advance. Only couples having their Wedding Ceremony/Wedding Reception event occur onsite at Edson Hill are allowed to have their Wedding or Engagement photos/videos taken on site. Questions regarding this policy should be directed to the Event Sales office. 
  • Non-professional photography and filming are permitted on the hotel premises for registered hotel guests only. Edson Hill encourages their guests to take personal video or still photographs while enjoying their stay. All photos and videos taken by guests and visitors are allowed free of charge so long as the images and videos are used for a personal, non-commercial purpose. All photographs and video should be taken from public viewing areas, and must be taken with a hand-held camera (non-professional equipment). 
    • IMPORTANT: All camera accessories that could potentially impede foot traffic are expressly forbidden, including but not limited to: camera tripods, monopods, lighting setups, large reflectors, and staging shots. 
Guest House firewood and patio chairs.

For editorial requests and other journalistic needs such as articles for newspapers or magazines, digital media (including blogs), television, or radio, please contact [email protected].

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